Tuesday, August 9, 2011



      Stored maize is susceptible to infestation by insect pests and attack by diseases and can also be damaged by rodents and birds. 
      It is important to fumigate or periodically expose grain to the sun to kill storage insect pests such as the lesser grain weevil.
      Cleaning of the grain store to remove all traces of previous crop, preferably by disinfecting the structure before use, is important.
      It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the stored grain throughout the storage period for insect pests, disease, temperature and moisture.
Sitophilus oryzae (Lesser grain weevil)
      Insect description
     Adults are 2 to 3 mm long, with a long snout and four reddish spots on the wing covers.
     The larvae spend all their time inside the grain.
     Management of this insect is very important.
     The larvae chew large irregular holes in the kernel and when adults emerge they make an irregular shaped hole about 1.5 mm in diameter.
Tribolium castaneum (red flour beetle)
      Insect description
     Adults are reddish brown with a flat, oval body 2.5–4.0 mm long with wings.
     Larvae are mobile in the grain sample.
     Larvae prefer feeding on the grain germ.
     Damage is particularly serious in grains such as rice and wheat, which have either been dehusked or processed into other products.
     When infestation is severe, these products turn greyish-yellow and become mouldy with a pungent odour (CPC 2000).
Oryzaephilus surinamensis (saw-toothed grain beetle)
      Insect description
     Adults are 2.5 to 3.0 mm long, with a slim, grey body with distinct ridges on the thorax and teeth-like projections on each side.
     Adult beetles of O. surinamensis can be seen moving rapidly over stored food, but the immature stages are inconspicuous (CPC 2000).
     They are a major pest of stored grain and milled products, as they can easily eat through packaging.
Araecerus fasciculatus (areca nut weevil)
      Insect description
     This is a fungus weevil that is a mottled dark brown all over its 3- to 5-mm long body.
     Maize is a primary host of these grain-boring insects. Infestation may cause stored grain to be hollowed out or tunnelled by the larvae.
     Adults bore circular holes when they emerge from the grain.
     Adult feeding causes irregular ragged patterns of damage, particularly if feeding occurs on a commodity previously damaged by larvae (CPC 2000).
Controlling Storage Pest
      The best form of controlling storage pest of maize is by Fumigating with Phosphine.

1 comment:

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